Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 5 Prepare Project Proposal

Development of intelligent ball control algorithm for mobile robot by using artificial intelligent

Minggu ni saya wat research pasal ball control algorithm, mcm basic ball control block diagram, mcm mn  controller nak proses input daripada mobile robot dan nk determine kan action yang perlu diambil bg setiap keadaan dan kedudukan semua mobile robot. Daripada research yang dibuat banyak contoh-contoh soccer mobile robot yang saya baca yang pernah memasuki pertandingan soccer yang sebelum ini. daripada artikel robot-robot itu ada banyak contoh block diagram for ball control algorithm yang plg simple saya jumpe adalah

the input is the vision module (camera) where it is to take picture, to extract information from the picture such as object, type direction and distance. The Decision Engine receives input from the vision module and sends move commands to the drive controller and it consists of two sub-modules: the internal model manager and the strategy planner. These sub-modules communicate with each other to formulate the best decision for the agent’s next action. As specified in the system architecture, the drive controller takes commands from the decision engine, and sends the control signals to the output whereas in this case is the motor.

Block diagram yang ni simple sebab tu saya nk gunakan block diagram yang ni sebagai basic bagi permulaan, bile dah banyak yang dau tau saya akan gunakan block diagram yang lain sebagai basic contoh block diagram

the control architecture of MRL middle-size robots is a three layered architecture where the top layer contains techniques for autonomously creating a plan of robot tasks; the middle layer is a sequencing capability to accomplish tasks and the bottom.

  the control architecture of MRL middle-size robots is a three layered architecture where the top layer contains techniques for autonomously creating a plan of robot tasks; the middle layer is a sequencing capability to accomplish tasks and the bottom.

Block diagram yang ni sangat complex sbb tu saya tak gunakan lagi, ssh nk faham.

Minggu ni juga saya wat research pasal artificial intelligent, pasal fuzzy logic

Fuzzy logic is a form of multi-valued logic derived from fuzzy set theory to deal with reasoning that is approximate rather than precise. In contrast with "crisp logic", where binary sets have binary logic, fuzzy logic variables may have a truth value that ranges between 0 and 1 and is not constrained to the two truth values of classic propositional logic.

fuzzy logic ini digunakan sebagai asas bg controller untuk tentukan action yang perlu dibuat berdasarkan daripada semua input yang diterima. dan ader satu lg yang saya belum research lg iaitu neural mungkin minggu depan baru saya wat research.

setakat tu jer utk minggu ni. sekian

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